The Team Access feature allows non-administrator users to manage portal users within their own accounts. This is a guide outlining the functions available to end-users in the Team Access feature.
To access the Team Access page, click on the ‘Team Access’ tab.
When viewing the Team Access page, shown below is an example of what it looks like for a sample Partner Management user, ‘John Smith’. John can see contacts that are assigned to the same account as him and see whether the person has an existing user. John can then execute certain actions depending on this.
If John’s role has also been given the permission to create contacts, then he can use the ‘New Team Member’ button to create a new contact within his same account and enable them as a user. 
For all listed contacts John will see the Security Role dropdown, this is used to select which role the user will be assigned to.
For contacts ‘Not yet a user’, they can be added by clicking the "Add User" icon and selecting their security role in the dialog. A new user will be created and an activation email will be sent to their email address.
For contacts already enabled as users, this will change their role if John clicks the gear icon dropdown, and Update Access. From the dialog, a different security role can be selected.

For a user that is disabled, the option to re-enable the user will be shown.
For a user that is currently enabled, the options to reset the user’s password and disable the user will be shown.