Uploading Rewards for Activities outside of Magentrix

    Sometimes, you may want to award clients/partners for activities that they perform or qualify for outside of the Magentrix portal. For example, partners may receive a reward for the number of years that they have been a partner of your organization.

    In order to upload these rewards into the Magentrix portal, you will need to take the following steps:


    Configure Reward Activities

    Firstly, we need to identify which reasons such partners should receive the rewards. In order to do so, you need to create "Reward Activities" under the correct current "Program".

    In order to do that, you will need to go to Magentrix setup menu as an administrator:

    1. Go to "Setup". In the "Create" section, click on "Rewards".

    2. Choose or create a Reward Program that is shared with your target partners.

    3. Open the program and under "Reward activities" section, click on "New" Reward Activity.

    When creating a new "Reward Activity" you can specify the name of activities such as "Years in Partnership", etc.

    Select "Claimable Activity" since such activities don't occur in the portal.

    Specify the value (although when you are uploading the data you can specify the value for each partner at your discretion) and complete the rest of the settings.

    Note that if you don't wish the partner to see this activity as part of their claimable activities in the Rewards, you can leave the "Active" checkbox unchecked.

    Each activity record created will be assigned a unique ID - you will need these values for the next steps.


    Export the Reward Activities

    Now that you have a list of reward activities, you can start working on preparing the data for reward points. First, let's export the data we created to use in our data preparation effort. Build a report in Magentrix and set up your report filters to retrieve such activities in your report.

    1. Go to "Reports" : <your-portal-address.com>/sys/report

    2. Click on "+ New" and then "New Report"

    3. Apply Filter: "Reward" to filter the list of report types

    4. Select "Reward Programs with Reward Activities" report type

    5. Click on "Create Report"

    6. Set the report filters to retrieve the activities you created

    7. Ensure to add the following fields to your report:

      1. "Reward Activity" : "Id"

      2. "Reward Activity" : "Name"

      3. "Reward Program" : "Id"

    8. Save and run your report

    9. Click on "Export to CSV Format"

    Now if you open the file you downloaded with Excel, you can see the program ID, activity name, and IDs.
    Load the data into the "Reward Activities" sheet of the template attached below.

    Using the same approach, you build a report to get a list of your users to whom you want to award points or cash. Export this report and load the data into the "Users" sheet of the template attached below.


    Prepare Your Rewards to Upload

    Using the template below populate the data and reference values of the following columns from the report file(s) you downloaded previously.

    You can use VLOOKUP to automate this task and reference the values from other sheets. For example, if in your reward data you have the email address of the partner, you can VLOOKUP the user's ID using their email value from the "Users" sheet.

    Below is the list of fields that we need to provide in order to create "Reward" records:

    • ProgramId (Specifies which program the reward is related to)

    • UserId (Specifies which user the reward points are assigned to)

    • OwnerId (Specifies who is the record owner for security purposes, in this case, same as UserId value)

    • RewardActivityId (Specifies which activity this reward is related to)

    The following fields are also needed to be properly populated with data:

    • ApprovalOrRejectionDate (upload Date or date in the past)

    • AssignmentMethod (Set to: "Claim Submission")

    • IsoCurrencyCode (default currency as the program's currency)

    • RewardType (Set to: "Points Reward" or "Cash Reward")

    • Status (Set to: "Approved")

    • Value (number of points or cash)


    Using Data Importer to Import Your Data

    Now that the data file is ready and populated with the correct values, you can export the file into 
    CSV format and upload to Magentrix and mass create all the rewards for your users.

    Log in as an administrator to the Magentrix portal and go to the "Setup" menu. Under the "Manage" section find the "Import Data" option.

    1. From the dropdown select "Reward" and leave the option to "Insert all records in my file".

    2. On the next screen, choose "Magentrix ID' as we prepared the data based on Magentrix IDs.

    3. Upload your CSV file

    4. The next screen just confirms the fields on the entity compared to the data present on your file, please review it before going to the next step.

    5. When ready, click on "Import"

    The system will process the data and create the rewards as necessary, if certain rows fail to load due to some errors, you receive an "error" file containing such rows. You can download it, fix the issue(s), and try to upload the failed file once again so that all remaining rows will also be imported.



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