Content Managers & Contributors


    If you wish to set up roles within your Magentrix portal that give specific users access to manage content on the portal or contribute content to the portal, please follow the steps below to determine the level of access and the setting that needs to be applied to the modules to allow for it.

    Content Managers are users in an Employee security role with access to add and/or manage content in the portal on the supported modules.
    Content Contributors are users in a Community (Customer/Partner) security role with access to add content to the portal on the supported modules.
    It is highly recommended to set up a dedicated content manager/contributor security role to provide users access as content managers or contributors.

    You can find a summary of Employee and Community (Customer/Partner) security roles below:
    Employee Users:
    This license enables you to activate internal users within your organization; these users can access records within the organization and the security is controlled based on your organizational hierarchy and record-sharing permissions.

    Community (Customer/Partner) Users:
    This license enables you to activate users who access your site externally, such as clients or business partners. These users are controlled by an external organizational hierarchy established by Account records. Due to the nature of community licenses, community users are more limited in their access for content contribution purposes compared to Employee users.

    More details on Employee and Community Licenses can be found in our documentation linked below:

    Please refer to the next few pages for more information on how you can configure the access and permissions across each portal module.

    If you're looking for information on a particular module, clicking on the module name below will take you directly to the corresponding section of the article:

    Upcoming Events








    Upcoming Events

    You can read more about the Upcoming Events module in the documentation linked here.

    Employee users:
    ‘Employee’ type security roles can be set as content managers for the ‘Upcoming events’ module. Once enabled, the users will be able to modify existing event categories and add/remove events.

    Please note the following limitations apply:

    • ‘Employee’ type security roles cannot create new event categories.

    To enable an ‘Employee’ type security role as a content manager, please configure the security roles Entity Permissions as shown below:
    Event (system) Read: Controlled By Parent
    Event (system) Create: Yes
    Event (system) Edit: Yes
    Event (system) Delete: Yes

    More information on Entity Permissions can be found in the documentation linked here.

    Community users:
    ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type security roles cannot be set as content contributors for the ‘Upcoming events’ module.


    You can read more about the Articles module in the documentation linked here.

    Employee users:
    ‘Employee’ type security roles can be set as content managers for the Articles module. Once enabled, the users will be able to Publish, contribute to, and comment on the articles they’ve been explicitly given access to.

    Please note the following limitations apply:

    • ‘Employee’ type security roles cannot create new Article Types or manage Article Lists.

    To enable an ‘Employee’ type security role as a content manager, please follow the below steps:

    1. Navigate in your admin setup page to Create > Articles

    2. Select the desired article type by clicking on the article type’s name

    3. On the top right corner of the article type’s page, select Actions > Share

    4. On the share screen, you can search for and add the Content Manager security role to the list

    5. Once the Content Manager security role has been added, you’ll find a permission drop-down list to the right side of the Content Manager security role. You can select either Contribute or Publish permission. 
      Note: Selecting Contribute will allow the security role to write and publish posts in the Article Type. However, the security role will be unable to edit others’ posts. Please note that posts published by Contributors will need to be approved before they are published. For more information on Post Approvals please refer to the documentation linked here.
      Selecting Publish will allow the Content Manager security role to write, edit others’ posts, and publish posts in the Article Type.

    6. Select Done

    Community users:
    ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type security roles can be set as content contributors for the Articles module. Once enabled, the users will be able to contribute to, and comment on the articles they’ve been explicitly given access to.
    Please note the following limitations apply:

    • Community content contributors cannot create new Article Types, manage Article Lists, or edit others’ posts.

    • Please note that posts published by Contributors will need to be approved before they are published. For more information on Post Approvals please refer to the documentation linked here.

    To enable a ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type security role as a content manager you can follow the same steps noted above. However, please note that on step 5 the Publish permission will not be available for ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) types security roles.



    You can read more about the Documents module in the documentation linked here.

    Employee users:
    ‘Employee’ type security roles can be set as content managers for the Documents module. Once enabled, the users will be able to create new folders, change folder permissions, and upload documents.

    Please note the following limitations apply:

    • ‘Employee’ type security roles cannot delete folders and documents if they’re not the creator, and they have not been given Full Control permission to the folder/document.

    To enable an ‘Employee’ type security role as a content manager, make sure the content manager security role is configured with the following permissions:

    • All Entities, Folder (system): Read and Create

    • Tab Settings, Documents: On

    • App Settings: App with the Documents Tab must be Visible

    • To create a nested folder if you are not an administrator or the owner of the target folder, the folder must be shared by the owner

    To provide Full Control access to a folder not owned by the content manager role, please follow the steps below:

    1. Navigate to the Documents tab.

    2. Select Edit underneath the desired folder

    3. Select the Share tab

    4. Select “Visible to certain groups of users”

    5.  Add the content manager security role to the list.

    6. Open the drop-down menu next to the content manager security role and select ‘Full Control’

    7. The content manager security role will now have full control over the folder and its content.

    Community users:
    ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type security roles can be set as content contributors for the Documents module. Once enabled, the users will be able to contribute to, and comment on the articles they’ve been explicitly given access to.

    Please note the following limitations apply:

    • ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type content contributors will not be able to modify the folder permissions of folders that have not been created by them, even if they have been given Full Control permissions.

    The same steps as noted in the first section can be applied to enable a community security role as a content contributor.


    You can read more about the FAQ module in the documentation linked here.

    Employee users:
    Employee security roles can be set as content managers for the FAQ module. Once enabled, the users will be able to modify existing FAQ’s and add/remove questions and answers

    Please note the following limitations apply:

    • ‘Employee’ type security roles cannot create new FAQ lists or manage other users/security roles’ access to the FAQs.

    To enable an ‘Employee’ type security role as a content manager, please follow the steps below:

    1. On your setup page, navigate to Create > FAQs

    2. Select the desired FAQ

    3. Click the ‘More Actions’ button at the top and select ‘manage’

    4. Select “Visible to certain groups of users”

    5. Add the content manager security role to the list.

    6. Open the drop-down menu next to the content manager security role and select ‘Full Control’

    7. The content manager security role will now have full control over the folder and its contents.

    Community users:
    ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type security roles cannot be set as content contributors for the ‘FAQ’ module.



    You can read more about the Playbooks module in the documentation linked here.

    Employee users:
    Employee security roles can be set as content managers for the Playbooks module. Once enabled, the users will be able to modify existing Playbooks they have been explicitly given access to and add/remove assets as well as change playbook settings.

    Please note the following limitations apply:

    • ‘Employee’ type security roles cannot create new Playbooks or manage existing playbooks’ permissions. Employee content managers can only add assets to which they have been given access.

    To enable an ‘Employee’ type security role as a content manager, please follow the steps below:

    1. On your setup page, navigate to Create > Playbooks

    2. Select the desired Playbook

    3. Click the ‘Actions’ button on the top right and select Share

    4. Add the content manager security role to the list.

    5. Open the drop-down menu next to the content manager security role and select ‘Manage’

    6. The content manager security role can now manage the playbook and its content

    Community users:
    ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type security roles cannot be set as content contributors for the Playbooks module.



    You can read more about the Wikis module in the documentation linked here.

    Employee users:
    Employee security roles can be set as content managers for the Playbooks module. Once enabled, the users will be able to modify existing Wikis they have been explicitly given access to and add/remove the content as well as change Wiki settings.

    Please note the following limitations apply:

    • ‘Employee’ type security roles cannot create new Wikis or manage existing wikis to which they have not been explicitly given permission.

    To enable an ‘Employee’ type security role as a content manager, please follow the steps below:

    1. On your setup page, navigate to Create > Wikis

    2. Select the desired Wiki

    3. Click the ‘Actions’ button on the top right and select ‘Share’

    4. Add the content manager security role to the list.

    5. Open the drop-down menu next to the content manager security role and select ‘Manage’

    6. The content manager security role can now manage the playbook and its content

    Community users:
    ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type security roles cannot be set as content contributors for the Wiki module.


    You can read more about the Training module in the documentation linked here.

    Employee users:
    Employee security roles can be set as content managers for the Training module. Once enabled, the users will be able to create new courses, modify existing course settings, add/remove course content, and manage course assignments.
    Content manager’s access to existing course content and user assignments is configurable (Private/All)

    Please note the following limitations apply:

    • ‘Employee’ type security roles cannot modify general LMS settings, or assign other security roles as LMS content managers.

    To enable an ‘Employee’ type security role as a content manager, please follow the steps below:

    1. On your setup page, navigate to Create > Training

    2. Select the Settings Tab at the top of the page

    3. Select the Permissions Tab

    4. Under the Security Role drop-down list, select the content manager security role

    5. Select the content manager’s access level. 
      Team Leader: This allows for the content manager user to browse all available courses. It can be configured to allow for tracking of all or direct subordinates’ course progress. 
      Training Manager: This Allows the content manager user to browse all available. It can be configured to allow content managers to create new courses, modify existing course settings, add/remove course content, and manage course assignments.

    6. 6. Click the Save button.

    Community users:
    ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type security roles can only be set up as Team Leader. Once enabled, the security role will be able to see Course progress for users belonging to the same account or sub-accounts.

    To enable a ‘Community’ (Partner/Customer) type security role as a Team Leader, please follow the steps below:

    1. On your setup page, navigate to Create > Training

    2. Select the Settings Tab at the top of the page

    3. Select the Permissions Tab

    4. Under the Security Role drop-down list, select the content contributor security role

    5. Select the content contributor’s access level. 

    Team Leader: This allows the content contributor user to see Course progress for users belonging to the same account or sub-accounts.


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