Configuring Magentrix Portal Options for HubSpot

    Magentrix Portal Options for HubSpot

    Magentrix Portal Options for HubSpot allows your employees to manage portal users within a HubSpot card. HubSpot contacts can be granted access to Magentrix as portal users by assigning them a role. Existing users’ access to the portal can be deactivated, their password reset and their role changed as well as their access reactivated (to be re-invited to the portal).

    HubSpot Configuration Steps

    The HubSpot portal must first be connected to Magentrix. Follow these instructions to authorize and connect to the portal.

    Follow the steps below to add the Magentrix Portal Options card to your HubSpot contact layout:

    1. In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon.
    2. On the left sidebar, select Objects > Contacts.
    3. Click the Record Customization tab.
    4. Click Customize the right sidebar.
    5. Click Default view.
    6. Click Add card > Magentrix Portal Options and optionally rearrange the card. 
    7. Click Save.


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