How-To: Widget for Article Types

    The Articles Module has many features and capabilities that can be used to customize the user experience. It is possible to include a widget in the sidebar of the layout for Articles that lists links to all of the different Article Types.

    This is done by adding embed code in the sidebar of the article type layouts which creates a widget.



    1. Login as an Administrator, then navigate to Setup > Create > Articles and open the desired article type to edit.

    2. Under the Layout tab, you will see the configuration for the page layout including the sidebar, which contains an ‘Add Embed Code’ button - click it and a window will open. Enter the heading for the widget and your code. Refer to the below code example.

    3. Once you have added your code, click Add to add it to the page, and click Save Changes at the bottom to apply them. Repeat these steps for all article types to show the widget universally.


    If you wish to add additional article types, add list items by adding additional <li> tags and updating the path and label. In this example, the code will add a widget with 3 article types listed: Blog, Community, and Knowledge.

    <ul class="blog-list data-list">
       <li class="">
           <a href="/articles/Blog" rel="nofollow" class="blog-list-item hoverable">
               Blog <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right pull-right"></i></a>
       <li class="">
           <a href="/articles/Community" rel="nofollow" class="blog-list-item hoverable">
               Community <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right pull-right"></i></a>
       <li class="">
           <a href="/articles/Knowledge" rel="nofollow" class="blog-list-item hoverable">
               Knowledge <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right pull-right"></i></a>
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