Configure Redeem Points Payment
A store can be set up to work with the redeem points payment method so that they can be integrated into the partner program. The partner users from the portal can now purchase items from the Partner Storefront with points redeemed from the rewards module.
In order for the store to accept Points, navigate to Create > Stores > New Store.
Create a new store and choose "Redeem Points" as the checkout method.
Note: Changing the checkout method will not be possible once the store has historical activities and is set up to accept points for redemption.
Partner Stores Example:

During the checkout process, the customer will be able to check their "Available" and "Remaining" points. The remaining points are calculated considering this sale.

StoreFront Page
This is the main page where the user will browse and search for items. This page was designed to be fully responsive, which means that it will adapt to any type of screen that may be used.

The existing icons provide easy and quick access to the product history, shopping cart, and checkout pages.

Cart Page
The cart page is where the user can review their selected items. It is possible to edit the quantity by clicking on the + and - signs under the quantity option and to remove items by clicking on the trashcan on the right of the Cart page. On the checkout page, the contact, payment and shipping information for the products being purchased must be filled in.
After clicking continue and completing the purchase, the user has the option of printing a PDF version of the receipt. You can print your order by clicking the Print Order button below the Keep Shopping button.

Product Types
Product type is a field created to improve the classification and search of products available on the storefront. The types of products are stored when they are added to a product (fluid picklist value), and the same value can be used in other products as well. As a result, products can be classified more easily and searched more efficiently.
To check for product types, navigate to Create > Stores / New Store.
Select the store that you want to edit, click on Manage and select Products. Select a product from the list or create a new one.

External ID
The External ID field can be found on the same product registration screen, right next to Product Type. This field can be used to trigger other functions and be linked to Salesforce products or documents. If someone purchases the product, the external ID may be used to create a Salesforce opportunity or send a document request.

Storefront Collection
Under the Collection feature, it is possible to add an image and a description for better visualization of the product collections.
In order to manage collections, navigate to Create > Stores / New Store.
Select the store that you want to edit, click on Manage, select Collections, and select the store that you want to edit or add the description and image.

An image can now be added to existing collections to serve as a thumbnail. This option can be found at the bottom of the collections page.

Discount Codes
There are a number of discount codes that can be created by the Admin and applied during the sale checkout process by the user. This code can be manual or system generated and must be entered at the checkout page, under the discount code field to be applied.
In order to manage discount codes, navigate to Create > Stores > New Store.
To add discount codes to the store, select the store that you want to edit, and click on Manage select Discounts. You can edit discounts by clicking on the record or add a new one by clicking on “New Discount Code”.

This page allows you to create an unlimited number of discount codes for each storefront.
Note: The discount code does not apply to stores that use Redeem Points as a payment method.
Discount Name: The discount code name can be created by typing it in or by clicking on the Generate Code button.
Discount Types: There are two types of discounts: percentage and fixed amount.
Minimum Requirements: It is possible to specify a minimum purchase amount that will be applicable.
Usage Limit: You can limit the number of times the discount may be used as well as the number of discounts per user. (The system checks by user email)
Active Dates: You can specify a Start and End date for the discount to expire.
The system indicates how many times that discount has been applied to the right of the discount name.

The discount amount used in the sale can be seen on the order page.