Sync Filters (Salesforce Only)

    A synchronization filter is used to limit the amount of records that are imported into Magentrix depending on the criteria. 


    To set up a sync filter, please open a support ticket with Magentrix Support.

    Details required to enable the sync filter:

    1. Name of the object where the sync filter will be applied
    2. The logic criteria that will be applied. E.g. IsMagentrix=TRUE, meaning that only the records where the field IsMagentrix is set to True will be integrated within the portal.


    Note: Formula fields or fields containing a formula are not currently supported to be used as Sync Filter criteria fields.

    Note: It is recommended that the sync filter be applied after working hours if an Object contains over twenty thousand records. This is because the object will be refreshed after the sync filter is applied, triggering a complete re-import of all records. A large number of records may require more time for synchronization.


    During the reimport process, some records may not be available until the sync has been completed. A sync filter applied to the Accounts or Contacts object may also prevent some users from accessing the portal during the sync process until the sync has been completed.


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