FAQs: Deleting Document Folders (Recreating With The Same Name Returns Error “A Folder with the same already exists.”)

    When working with Document folders, it often happens that a user will delete a folder by mistake and then create a new one with the same name. In Magentrix, if the recreation is done without first deleting the original folder from the Recycle Bin, the following error is seen: “Failed to create the new record. One or more fields are considered unique and cannot accept duplicate values”

    The reason the folders are moved to the Recycle Bin rather than deleted outright is primarily for the case of accidental deletion - removing a folder that you did not intend to, which contained important documents. The Recycle Bin function allows for its recovery.

    To solve this, navigate to Setup; Manage > Recycle Bin, and then click Del for the folder you want to recreate or Restore if it was mistakenly deleted.


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