How-To: Importing ‘Notes’ & ‘Attachments’ Objects From Salesforce Into Magentrix
If you would like to have your Salesforce notes and/or attachments present in Magentrix, you need to import the ‘Notes’ and/or ‘Attachments’ objects from Salesforce, set the correct permissions to the security roles, then add them to a related list to the desired object. As an example, we have used the "Account" object.
Note: You do not need to import both notes and attachments. If you would only like one, you can follow the steps for only that object.
To Import Salesforce Notes & Attachments Objects:
Note: You may need to repeat Steps 1 and 2 for both the ‘Notes’ and ‘Attachments’ objects if they haven’t already been imported. If they already have been imported, you will not see the objects in the entity list.
1. Navigate to Setup > Extend > Salesforce and click New. On the resulting page in the ‘Entity’ Name dropdown list select the entity you want to import, then click Continue.
2. Review the list of fields and add any custom fields if needed. The required fields will be already checked. Click Submit.
3. Once the import completes you will see a screen to edit the permissions for your ‘Security Roles’ to have to access the entity. Set these to ‘Controlled by Parent’ for the users that should have access to Notes and Attachments, then click ‘Save’.
4. Navigate to Setup > Extend > Salesforce and in the list of objects click Account.
4. On the resulting page select the ‘Page Layout’ tab and select the desired layout to edit it.
5. On the ‘Edit Layout’ page editor expand ‘Related Lists’, then find the new Related List for the object you've just imported to drag-and-drop it to the desired location on the page. Finally, click Save & Close to save the configuration