Configuring Button Checkboxes

    In entity list buttons, you can enable the option for button checkboxes. When enabled, records in the lists will have checkboxes next to them. When users select records and click the button, only selected records will have the action run on it.

    The button checkboxes are configured differently depending on the button content type: URL or JavaScript.

    Content Type: URL

    Selected records are posted via HTTP POST to the provided URL. The parameter "recordIds" of selected records will be contained in the HTML payload.

    URL Example:

    Public ActionResponse UpdateStatus(string[] recordIds){

    Content Type: JavaScript

    Developers can access the record IDs selected by the user in their JavaScript code. Developers can use a token (as shown below) to access the Record IDs in their code.

    JavaScript Example:

    var ids={GETRECORDIDS()};
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