Submitting Ideas for Magentrix

    Thank you for your interest in contributing to Magentrix's platform development. While we appreciate all ideas, we would prefer for all ideas to be submitted in our Ideas module. To post an idea for our development team's consideration, follow these steps:

    1. Login to your portal as an Administrator, then click your name at the top-right of the portal and select Get Support. This option is only visible to Administrators for security reasons.

    2. Click on the Ideas tab in the navigation bar (or alternatively, navigate to Check if your idea already exists or is similar to another idea posted in the Ideas module.

    3. On the top-right of the page click Post Your Idea.

    4. In the form, enter a summary title for your idea and provide a full explanation in the description box. Select a category that best matches the component for your idea and then click Submit Your Idea.

    Other Magentrix users will be able to view, vote and comment on your idea. The development team will review and consider submitted ideas for future releases.



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