Creating an Email Automation

    Email Automations are a useful tool for notifying the users of your portal about any number of things. Knowing how to create this automation is integral to having your Magentrix portal smooth out your business operations.

    To set up an email automation, follow these steps:

    1. Log into your Magentrix portal as an administrator.

    2. Navigate to the Setup Home page.

    3. On the left pane, click Create > Automations.

    4. Click New.

    5. Select the Entity with which you would like to work. Selecting the incorrect entity will render your automation inoperable, so ensure you are selecting the correct entity in which your data is found. To learn more about entities, see Entity Types.

    6. Give your automation a name that will indicate its function. For example, "EmailOnLoanDefault".

    7. Check the "Active" checkbox if you want this automation to work immediately after its creation. If not, leave it unchecked. To disable the automation in the future, uncheck it.

    8. Select the appropriate Evaluation Criteria while paying close attention to the logic. You can have this email sent when a new record is created, when a record is created and every time it is updated, when a record is created and any time updated which previously did not meet the criteria; or when the record is deleted.

      NOTE: When using the Rule Criteria of "Created, and any time updated which previously did not meet the criteria" option, and you have set multiple Rule Criteria filters, all of the fields listed in your criteria must be updated and meet the criteria set in order for an email to fire. For example, if you have criteria set on more than one field, and only one field is updated, the email will not be sent.

    9. Set the Rule Criteria. The fields related to your entity have been provided in a drop-down list. Select the field you would like to use and one of the preset operators, then type the value. The value that you type must be valid. For example, if the field you're working with is a boolean field that can only accept two values (true or false), then you must enter either true or false without any spelling errors. If you need more than five filters, you have the option to add an extra filter underneath the list of optional filters you've already been working with.

      NOTE: You are alternatively offered the option of using Advanced Filter Logic for which you can provide your own filter pattern. To learn more about the expressions and logic for Advanced Filter Logic, click here.

    10. When everything is set, click Save.

    You have now created an automated email that will be sent upon the occurrence of a particular event or set of events.

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