FAQs: Notifications when subscribed to an Article or Article Type

    When viewing an Article or Article Type, you have the option of subscribing to it, which will send you email notifications when there are updates.

    Question: What the difference is between the 'New Posts' and 'New Posts and Comments' options?

    Answer: When ‘New Posts’ is selected, the user will receive a notification when a new Article post is published of that Article Type. When ‘New Posts and Comments’ is selected, the user will receive a notification when a new post or a new comment is posted to an Article in that Article Type.

    Note that users have the ability to choose the notification frequency as either ‘On Each Post’, ‘Daily’, or ‘Weekly’.


    Question: Will a notification will be sent when an author updates an existing article?

    Answer: If the Publisher edits a post which is already published without reverting it to draft, it will not send a notification. A notification will be sent only if the Publisher uses ‘Reverts to Draft’ and then publishes again. If this is the case, the Publisher may want to post a comment on the article to clarify updates to subscribers.

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