Salesforce Package Magentrix Community Settings

    Step 1: Install the Magentrix Community Package in your Salesforce Environment


    1. Provide the password
    2. Select the Install for All Users option
    3. Accept the conditions
    4. Click Install button

    Step 2: Click View in another browser or Go to Magentrix Community Settings


    Step 3. Configure Connection Settings

    This feature allows Salesforce contacts to be enabled as a Magentrix portal user with a given security role. Please contact your Magentrix representative to guide you through the feature requirements.

    See this documentation to configure this feature.

    • Provide the Portal Url
      • Be sure to add the Url on the Remote Site Settings
    • If the Use Access Token checked
      • Provide Token


    • Otherwise, provide the User Credentials, must be an active Administrator User on the portal:
      • API Username
      • API Password

    Click “Save Connection Settings” button

    Step 4. Configure Articles Settings


    This feature allows users to search and preview Magentrix-hosted articles within your Salesforce CRM.

    See this documentation to configure this feature.

    Once Magentrix Article Search is configured in Salesforce, articles will need to be published. See the Article Module documentation to learn more.

    • Select the Articles Types

    Click Save Articles Settingsbutton

    Step 5. Configure Files Settings


    This feature enables accessing Salesforce Lightning Files in Magentrix.

    See this documentation to complete the configuration of this feature.

    • Select the objects that will have their files synced with Magentrix:
    • Additional Configuration:
      • Sync Notes: Checking this box will sync Notes.
      • Public Access Only: Checking this box will only sync Files where Public Access is enabled.
      • Migration Mode: Checking this box will disable file triggers. This allows the migration of Notes and Attachments. Ensure to disable the migration mode after.
    • Click “Save Files Settings” button
    • After editing the Files Settings, if you want to Sync historical files to the Portal, you must click the Sync Salesforce Files button.
      • This procedure will update files according to the settings.
      • It will take some time depending on how many files you already have.
      • When the Process is finished you will receive a confirmation email.
      • Note that to perform this action you need to enable the following permission on your Profile: "Query All Files".

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